Progress Report


050: Home, where my thoughts escape me

As I am currently in pursuit of real estate advertising, AND I've got these pesky 101 goals to complete, I double dipped last night at a First Time Home Buyers' seminar for one of my clients. It just so happens that this would have been the seminar I attended anyway given that it was run by Trish Kelly, "Agent to the Stars," who reps all the homeowners in the local theatre community. I love it when a plan comes together.

My ears are still ringing with things like "Private Mortgage Insurance," "80/10/10," "money" and a host of other foreign words, but I do feel much more informed than I did 2 days ago. I also realize now that it isn't completely out of the realm of reality for me to purchase a home in the not so distant future. Anna attended with me, and I know she spent all day window shopping on, but I somehow doubt I'll get very far on my grand total $700 in savings. My future is also so fluid that I'm scared to even consider a $100K+ investment when I don't know if I'll have to pick up and move to grad school in a couple years. On the other hand, an investment like a starter home could be a brilliant move pre-grad school. Grad students, as I understand it, have a hard go of it trying to work. A nice little investment property that I rent out and turn a profit on could be a smart idea.

I guess the punchline is that with an investment this big, there are a ton of reasons to move forward... and stay back.



035: Coffee Talk

Somewhere in my recession depression I started saving every spare cent I had, and that meant that I could no longer afford the $6.25/week coffee habit. I also couldn't stop drinking coffee. It isn't just the headaches - there is something uniquely morn-ing about a cup of hot coffee. The start of my day is so sinfully WITHOUT routine that I wasn't about to let a little penny pinching ruin the only ritual I had.

And then Michael got a coffee pot. Now, every morning I wake up, grind some beans, and slowly revive myself with the scent of freshly brewed coffee. I've been doing so for sometime, and I completely forgot that it was one of my goals anyway. So, there it is. Goal #35 - now a treasured part of my morning routine.
